T |
Taking Responsibility |
I |
Instilling Integrity |
G |
Going the Extra Mile |
E |
Engaging in Learning |
R |
Respecting Others |
AMD于2H 2021确认Radeon离散GPU加速器具有CDNA架构 ...:10 小时前 · 到目前为止,AMD从未正式提及该加速器。GPU似乎是AMD第一伋CDNA产品组合中2021年最重要的HPC部件。Mark确认Discrete GPU将在2021年下半年推出。 AMD声称将Ryzen 4000系列“ Zen 3” CPU推迟到2021年[更新] 马克佩珀马斯特证实MI100离散GPU
New ECSD Security Procedures
Please click on the following link to access information pertaining to State and School Report Cards.
School & State Report Cards
Please click on the following link to retrieve information pertaining to the YMCA Before/After-School Child Care Programs:
Please click on the following link to read information pertaining to the operation of the Escambia County School District Bus System.
ECSD Bus System
Use the following links to locate your student bus number and pick-up / drop-off information:
BUS Numbers
and Route Information
AMD于2H 2021确认Radeon离散GPU加速器具有CDNA架构 ...:10 小时前 · 到目前为止,AMD从未正式提及该加速器。GPU似乎是AMD第一伋CDNA产品组合中2021年最重要的HPC部件。Mark确认Discrete GPU将在2021年下半年推出。 AMD声称将Ryzen 4000系列“ Zen 3” CPU推迟到2021年[更新] 马克佩珀马斯特证实MI100离散GPU
ESCD Substitute Policy
RMS Points of Contact
(850) 937-2220, ext 225
(850) 937-2238
(850) 937-2237
(850) 937-2220, ext 244
(850) 937-2224
Innovation Center (Library/Media Center):
(850) 937-2220, ext 237
Physical Education:
(850) 937-2226
School Financial Report (2018-2023)
School Health Inspection
School Sanitation Permit
School Public Accountability Report
Website Last Updated On:
1000 W. Kingsfield Road
Cantonment, FL 32533
Phone: 850-937-2220 FAX: 850-937-2232
Principal: Dr. Regina Lipnick, Ed.D
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Adrienne Green
Please click on the following link in order to access the Escambia Country School District Online Student Enrollment site.
Sandra Goldsby Ames Innovation Center
The Ransom Middle School Innovation Center has been officially renamed the “Sandra Goldsby Ames Innovation Center”.
The name change was in honor of Sandra Goldsby Ames who is retiring this year after serving the Escambia County School District for 39 years. She has served as an English teacher, administrative dean, assistant principal and principal. In the past she has also represented Ransom as their Teacher of the Year and ECSD as the Assistant Principal of the Year.
“My Ransom family and friends have been amazing to me,” Ames told the Escambia County School Board. “While I do not think I deserve such an important honor, I am extremely humbled and very appreciative of the love and support that they have shown me throughout my years.”
She is known to embody the values of pride, teamwork, privacy, safety, service, stewardship, and accountability, according a twitter用什么加速器能登录n. She has supported reading and language arts instruction, as well as encouraged the creative use of the school’s library as it transitioned into an innovation center.
Strong partnerships between parents and their children’s schools are integral for maximizing student success. Student achievement is enhanced when parents are involved in their children’s education.
A PTA hasn't been present in some time at RMS, and we are looking for a President, Treasurer, and Secretary to help bring it back and make a difference and make an impact!
If you are interested, please email eccptanominate@gmail.com.
Due to the uncertainties of COVID-19 and the restrictions it potentially has on fall sports, try-outs will be postponed until further notice. Escambia County has not entered Phase 3 of COVID like we had hoped, so there are currently still several restrictions and limitations that are placed on fall sports, and could potentially be more as the days come.
As we get closer to the start of school, we will be able to find out more information about what restrictions and limitations are in place (if any), and then we will proceed with the try-outs. Once a try-out date has been confirmed, I will send out another e-mail with the details.
We appreciate your patience during this time, and we hope that you understand that the safety of the athletes and coaches are our main concern at this time. Please keep an eye out for another e-mail. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail Coach Whiddon at cwhiddon@ecsdfl.us
Parent FOCUS Resources
Attention Parents and Guardians:
AMD于2H 2021确认Radeon离散GPU加速器具有CDNA架构 ...:10 小时前 · 到目前为止,AMD从未正式提及该加速器。GPU似乎是AMD第一伋CDNA产品组合中2021年最重要的HPC部件。Mark确认Discrete GPU将在2021年下半年推出。 AMD声称将Ryzen 4000系列“ Zen 3” CPU推迟到2021年[更新] 马克佩珀马斯特证实MI100离散GPU
Creating a New Online Account
How to Create a New Online Account (Video)
New Parent Portal Look with Update to Version 10.0 (Video)
**Attention Escambia County School District Parents**
If you do not receive a callout survey today (March 19, 2023) from Escambia County School District about your child having internet access at home, then your number may not be accurate in FOCUS.
You can actually log in to FOCUS and check contact information there (parent or student login). You cannot change it yourself online, but you will at least know that you need to update it.
You can either call the school now and leave a clear message with your student's name and the correct home number (messages will be checked & updates made when employees return on March 30th) or call the school after employees return.
It is VERY important to have accurate contact info, especially since we are switching to a continuity plan without students being physically at school.
e-learning tools for Families
Please click on the link shown below to access information pertaining to school district's Instructional Continuity Plan:
e-Learning Tools for Families
Department of Health information about coviD-19
From Superintendent Thomas:
The district will follow the Department of Health (DOH) guidelines.
· Anyone (students/faculty/staff/etc.) who go on foreign travel, to any country, must self-isolate for 14 days upon return.
· Anyone (students/faculty/staff/etc.) who go on a cruise, anywhere, must self-isolate for 14 days upon return.
· There should be no mass gatherings, which are defined by the CDC as “1,000-25,000 people, but the practical application is any gathering that would strain local resources.” Local discretion will determine status for events with less than 1,000 people.
· If a student/faculty/staff has been exposed to a person with confirmed COVID-19, and that student/faculty/staff has been in a classroom, DOH recommends that Districts NOT close the school/college/program, but do recommend that the classroom is cleared and take necessary steps to sanitize the room.
As always, you can learn more about COVID-19 preparations, signs and symptoms, and guidance at 云帆加速-流媒体技术开放平台-云帆DCDN(动态CDN) -云帆 ...:直播加速 点播加速 网页加速 下载加速 P2P加速 流媒体引擎 短视频 游戏加速 边缘计算 技术支持 SDK文档 API文档 联系我伊 商务合作QQ:3253928488 Tel:0755-26916129 商务洽谈:sales@yfcloud.com 技术支持:support@yfcloud.com 客服电话:0755.
Note: Employees directed to self-isolate will be required to take leave in order to be paid while they are away from work. If DOH requires a student to self isolate, absences will be excused.
ATTENTION Parents and guardians
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IAW Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, page 31.
To continue to safeguard students and personnel, daily random searches, which may include the use of metal detecting devices, will be conducted in schools. No student will be selected to be searched based upon their gender, race, ethnicity, physical appearance, manner of dress or association with any particular group of persons. Random searches will include student personal effects.
Students refusing to submit to a random search consistent with these guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action.
These searches will begin Monday, August 26. The process has been explained to students during their lunches.
If you have any questions, please contact Dean Baird (850-937-2220 ext 239)
IAW Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, page 60.
Please click on the link below to have access to the Escambia County School District School Calendar page.
ECSD 2023-2021
Free and Reduced Meals Application
Attention Parents and Guardians,
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Free and Reduced Lunches
You can also manage your student's account by clicking on this link:
My School Bucks
RMS Tutoring
Click on the following link to access the RMS Tutoring Schedule:
RMS Tutoring Schedule
Middle school supply list
#2 Pencils
Blue or Black ink pens
Wide Ruled Notebook Paper
Pack of multi-colored highlighters
Zippered Binder or 2 inch, 3 ring notebook and set of 10 dividers
Personal Ear Buds
Texas Instruments TI30X solar powered calculator for Algebra I only
Parent Involvement Plans
Please click on the link below to review the ECSD and RMS Plans:
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Please click on the links below to review the Escambia County School District (ECSD) and Ransom Middle School (RMS) Parent Involvement Plans (PIP):
ECSD PIP (2016-2017)
RMS PIP (2017)
online Report Cards
The Escambia County School District has announced that this year’s report cards will be available online and not mailed automatically.
Students will be completing assignments through the last day of school, Friday, May 22. Parents with Focus portal accounts will be able to view student grades as they are entered during the last week of school, and finalized for each class or subject area. Final report cards will be posted to Focus by June 3.
Parents unable to access final grades and report cards electronically should contact their child’s school and request a printed copy, which can be mailed if necessary.
“Many parents access Focus by having their student sign in. If parents and guardians will establish their own account and password, they can learn about the personalized settings available to them,” explained Escambia School District Superintendent Malcolm Thomas. “The Parent Portal account allows access to their student’s attendance, assignments and grades. Parents can also choose to receive alerts, as well as send secure messages to their student’s instructors.”
The parent portal includes new instructional videos on how to use the site. For more information or to access Focus, click here.
Please click on the following link to place an online order for the RMS Yearbooks: